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Drain Seals

Chemical spill control Drain Seals are designed to prevent hazardous liquids from entering drains and causing potential environmental damage. Our selection of chemical spill control Drain Seals at Seton includes various types of products such as sorbent booms, rag rugs, catch drain inserts, and drain seal mats. These products are made of highly absorbent materials that effectively seal off drains and soak up spills, ensuring that liquids are contained and disposed of properly. They are ideal for use in industrial and commercial settings, such as factories and warehouses, where spills are likely to occur near drains. With our chemical spill control Drain Seals, you can have peace of mind knowing that you are preventing the spread of hazardous liquids and protecting the environment.
Product Campaign
  • A38024.jpg
    $463.52 $421.38

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